Time to Give Back: 100% for $100k

We are looking for 100% participation in our $100k fundraising campaign to benefit our free programs!

Time to Give Back: 100% for $100k  image


raised towards $100,000 goal



Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

We are looking for 100% participation in our $100k fundraising campaign to benefit our free programs!

If everyone reading this donates today, we will give away three weeks of Mountain Adventure Tours camp!

As parents and supporters of Idaho BaseCamp, you know firsthand the impact of our programming on the future leaders of tomorrow. Sometimes, this impact may look like your kids coming home muddy and exhausted with stories of adventures and new friends gained while traipsing through the rivers and woods of our valley. Other times, it may be more subtle — a newfound connection to nature, perhaps, or a moment of compassion and empathy that ties into our core values: Personal Responsibility, Courage, and Respect for All. Whatever our impact looks like, our gratitude for entrusting us with your children knows no bound.

This giving season, we are asking you to help drive forward our other programs that operate free of charge and give directly back to our community, local and otherwise. This includes the 5th Grade Outdoor Adventure Program, which takes place every fall and spring up at our Big Lost Campus, as well as Explorers (in partnership with Far and Wise) and the Outdoor Hispanic Leaders, benefitting local communities in the Wood River Valley year-round.

While our free-of-charge programs cover a lot of ground, when you boil it down, they all share a common goal: They help children get outside and get involved with their environment and community. Somewhere along the way, they may become more adventurous, caring, and conscientious individuals — we just do our little part here at IBC as best as we can, and we want to make sure that every child can take advantage of our programs, regardless of socio-economic status or other impeding factors.

We can't do it without you.

Your donation will go directly to funding our free-of-charge programs: Salaries for employees, snacks for the kids, fuel for the vans, and the organization of activities such as ice fishing, skiing, mountain biking, and — in the case of the 5th Grade Program — three days and two nights of food, lessons, and camping for entire classes of students from all over our neighboring counties.

Our fundraising goal for this end-of-year campaign is $100,000. But every donation, no matter how large and small, matters — and we are aiming for 100% participation from everyone on this email list.

If you give $5, if you give $5,000, you are helping make a difference. Plus, your email will be automatically entered into a raffle. If we hit 100% of participation, there will be a giveaway where you get a chance to win one of three free weeks of MAT Camp (value of $600-$1800) of your choice next summer!

Thank you for being part of the IBC family. With your help, we can help expand and grow even more. Happy holidays and thank you for your generosity!