Donate to children's mental health by getting them unplugged and outside

Transform a child's life: You can send a kid to camp with a monthly donation of $25 a month.

Donate to children's mental health by getting them unplugged and outside image



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Transform a child's life: You can send a kid to camp with a monthly donation of $25 a month.

Itzels First Overnight Camp

Itzel was an 8-year-old girl who had never spent the night away from home without her parents, let alone gone camping without them. When she had the opportunity to attend our overnight MAT camp, no one in her family wanted her to go. Not her dad, not her grandma, not her grandpa. But her mom stood up for her and knew that this was a fantastic growth and life experience for her daughter.

She talked her family into letting Itzel attend her first overnight camp. She helped Itzel pack the night before and sent her on her way to her first overnight out in the Idaho Mountains.

When Itzel's mom came to pick her up from camp, Itzel had the biggest smile on her face. She ran up to her mom and gave her a big hug.

"What was the best part?" Mom asked.

"Everything!" Itzel responded. She then quickly held up her bandaged finger to show her mom the splinter she got. She was not upset about the splinter, but proud of it.

"I got it while helping build the campfire," she said. "But it was worth it."

Itzel told her mom about all the things she had done at camp. She had gone hiking, swimming, and roasted marshmallows over the campfire. She had made new friends and learned how to take care of herself in the outdoors.

"I'm so glad I came to camp," she said.

Itzel's mom was so proud of her daughter. She knew that this experience would have a lasting impact on Itzel's life.

"Thank you for making this possible," she said to the camp counselors. "You've changed my daughter's life."

Donations are what made it possible for Itzel to attend camp. Your donation can change a child's life too. Please donate today and help us give more children the opportunity to experience the magic of the outdoors.